Parental Consultation for RSE

Dear Parent/Carer

RSE Curriculum Parent Consultation Feedback 2024

We wrote to you earlier this term regarding our parental consultation for the schools’ Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum which is delivered through PSHE lessons here at Brookfield. The purpose of the consultation was to share with you our curriculum approach at Brookfield and to seek your feedback. We would like to thank all parents and carers who took time to submit responses and complete the questionnaire.  

In total, we had 349 responses from families with children from various year groups giving us valuable information about the thoughts and concerns of parents and carers. Overall, the responses gathered were highly positive about the curriculum and what we do to ensure that our youngsters have the knowledge and understanding of safe and healthy relationships based on respect. 

We have attached the results of the consultation questionnaire here. Within this attachment you will find the outcomes to questions asked alongside our response as a school. This document covers various concerns about specific topics and signposts readers to where they can find additional information. The consultation feedback has also been published on the school website. In addition, we recognise that some of you may wish to have a more detailed view of how the RSE topics are covered in lessons. We have provided copies of the lesson resources that relate to each RSE topic, for each year, on the Parent Portal. You can access these by clicking on the link here (you will need to log in to your Microsoft account - if you need assistance with this, please email

Further to this, in response to the feedback gained from parents we have published an overview of the PSHE curriculum for all years:

Should you still have any concerns about specific RSE topics, once you have looked at the outcomes and feedback from the consultation, alongside the resources on the parent portal, then please contact us via email: and we will be happy to discuss your concern with you.

Finally, thank you again, for taking part in this consultation; we value the feedback from parents and carers.

Kind regards

Mrs C Wartnaby

Learning Leader – RS & PSHE