Vision and Ethos

Vision & Ethos - imageAspire . Act . Achieve

Happiness, success and achievement; to be the best that they can be – these are all things that we want for our children. At Brookfield we know that we can offer your child the strong foundations of support and challenge that success and achievement are built on. Through the very positive relationships that have been built, high quality teaching and an innovative, personalised curriculum we have created a stimulating learning environment.

As importantly, we actively go the extra mile to seek out and nurture every child’s talents and develop the personal qualities and inner resilience required of a fast-changing and demanding world. However, it is the aspirations of young people themselves, inspired by a team of highly committed and specialist staff, that are the heart of our growing success.

These are exciting times. Attainment is high, our House System is flourishing and our facilities are the best that they have ever been; we are reaping the rewards of established partnerships with parents and the local and wider community. We encourage parents to become a part of the Brookfield Community and to join us on our journey to excellence.