Home Learning Completion


Students who have completed home learning to a very high standard, or who have clearly put considerable effort into completing their home learning, may be rewarded by teachers who have the option to add a ‘Home Learning Achievement’ in SIMs, which will add 1 +Point for the student.
Home Learning Achievement + points will then be used as part of the whole school reward process. Our highest achieving students will receive PD reward sessions e.g. Hot chocolate rewards. Letters to recognise these achievements will be sent home either from the House Leader, or the Director of Learning responsible for Home Learning, to celebrate success with students and their parents/carers. To feed into the House system students who achieve top 10 status in their Houses will be rewarded with certificates in assembly.


We believe that students themselves should take responsibility for managing their time in order to meet the deadlines that have been set by the school and by their teachers. This is essential preparation for when they leave school and have to meet deadlines at college, or in the jobs that they will move on to.
As such, non-completion of home learning will result in the student missing out on important aspects of their learning and progress will be affected. We believe that students need to develop responsibility for their own progress, including through the completion of home learning.
In order to support students to make the right choices, non-completion of home learning will trigger a ‘Home Learning Alert’ which will be recorded by teachers on SIMs, and will be immediately visible to parents via Edulink. Patterns of non-completion will be identified by tutors and House Leaders and regularly reported to parents.
The ‘Home Learning Alert’ will be recorded as a behaviour concern in SIMs, but will not attract any behaviour points (i.e. it will be zero rated). Home learning alerts will be used to support communication home to parents/carers when students are persistently failing to complete their Home Learning. These letters will either come from the House Leader, or the Director of Learning responsible for Home Learning, depending upon the number of Home Learning Alerts accrued each half term. This data is also shared with House Leaders and Tutors to ensure they can continually monitor Home Learning and support students accordingly.