2. Identification and support of SEND children

2.1 How do we identify and assess children’s learning needs at Brookfield?

In the spring term prior to children joining Year 7, our Deputy SENCO visits all junior and primary schools to discuss those children transitioning to Brookfield and to receive information for all children with an identified SEND need. A record is completed for each child using background information provided by the junior/primary school and this is shared with all class teachers through our School Information Management System (SIMS).  Children with an EHCP and some children with more complex needs will, in addition, have personalised strategies recorded, as recommended by the junior/primary school. 

Throughout their time at Brookfield, class teachers monitor the progress of all children using a range of formative (e.g. home learning) and summative (e.g., in class tests) assessments. If a teacher has a concern about your child’s progress they will liaise with our SEND team who have access to a suite of assessment tools that can identify a range of learning needs. Our SEND team will discuss with you the assessment(s) that they feel would be useful to arrange and the learning need that the assessment is designed to identify. If, as a result of additional assessment, it is concluded that a learning need is present, the SEND team will discuss this you. A record for your child will then be created to include background information on the concerns that led to assessment(s) being carried out and the outcome of the assessment(s). Class teachers have access to our SEND guide which provides information on the full range of strategies that are recommended to meet SEND needs. 

If you have concerns about your child’s progress and believe that a learning need may be present; you can share your concerns with your child’s Tutor who will seek advice from our SEND team - this may also lead to additional assessment(s) being carried out to explore your concern. 

2.2 How do we consult parents and involve them in the education of their child?

As a parent/carer, you know your child best. If your child is new to Brookfield School, please do arrange a meeting with a member of our SEND Team on 01489 576335 to discuss your child’s needs. 

If your child ever worries about school, is anxious about a subject or is struggling at school, please speak to your child’s Tutor in the first instance. Tutors will liaise with the SEND Team if they believe that this is appropriate. You can help your child by:

  • encouraging good attendance at school and by maintaining regular contact with their Tutor/House Leader and/or the SEND Team.
  • taking an active interest in their curriculum and by encouraging them to engage in the wider life of the School.
  • making sure they understand what they have to do for their home learning and checking that they keep to deadlines.
  • making sure your child has the correct equipment and uniform before getting to school.
  • encouraging your child to read for pleasure.  Using the School website and the Student Portal to access the range of curriculum resources provided by each curriculum area to support learning.

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If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), Brookfield staff will be invited to your child’s Annual Reviews in Years 5 and 6.

Each academic year you will receive an update on the SEND provision being made available to your child. It includes a questionnaire for you to provide feedback to us. It also provides the opportunity to arrange a meeting and discuss your child’s provision in greater depth. 

If your child has a Transition Partnership Agreement (TPA) written in Year 6 by your child’s primary school, we will invite you to review this with us in the summer term of Year 7.

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Subject Evenings are an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with individual subject teachers. You are also able to book an appointment with a member of the SEND team if this is helpful. Brookfield also holds Tutor Evenings each year. Children and parent/carers are invited to attend a 15-minute appointment with their Tutor. At the meeting your child’s’ progress is reviewed using the most recent academic report. Targets are set and recorded in our School Information Management System (SIMS) Tutors will liaise with the SEND team where this is appropriate. If you are concerned about the SEND provision for your child, please do, in the first instance, contact a member of our SEND Team using the email account sen@brookfield.hants.sch.uk.  The Governing Body has representation from parents/ carers and this provides an opportunity to support and hold our school standards to account.

2.3 How do we support students with SEND at Brookfield?

Interventions (additional to teacher-planned interventions) we may offer, include:

  • Touch typing,
  • Numeracy Intervention,
  • Literacy Intervention,
  • EAL Intervention,
  • Social Stories,
  • ELSA Support

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2.4 How does Brookfield School monitor and evaluate its SEN provision?

  • Periodically, children are asked to contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of SEND provision. 

  • Consultation takes place with the Student Leadership Team which represents children’s views. 

  • SEND reviews feature in the Senior Leadership Team and Curriculum Area Monitoring cycle. 

  • External evaluation, such as Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (HIAS) takes place periodically. 

  • Parental evaluation of the effectiveness of provision, through parental surveys and relevant focus groups, takes place as and when appropriate. 

  • The Governing Body receive regular reports about the progress being made by SEND children.

2.5 How do I know how my child is doing?

Through parental/carer access to Brookfield’s School Information Platform (Edulink), it is possible to access key information about your child. Parents/carers can also telephone the School on 01489 576335 to arrange an appointment with a relevant member of staff.

  • Parents/carers receive reports during the academic year, detailing the child's On Track for Grade (OTFG) compared to their target level/grade.
  • Each year, you will receive an academic progress report and Subject Evenings are also held annually to enable you to meet directly with each of your child's teachers.  A representative from the SEND Team will be available for consultation.
  • Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan have an Annual Review meeting.
  • Looked After Children have an annual Personal Education Plan meeting and a review each term.

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